Link to letters and reports sent to all the legislators concerning the Coalition for a Tobacco Free Hawaii & their cronies credibility. This is a what we have been dropping off at the Capitol on a daily basis. Dave Kawika Crowley gets the credit for the systematic aproach( with his un-lit cigar in hand), of getting this information through to our Legislators. He comes up with most of the material and has dedicated his life over the past few months to this endeavor. Without his determination and wit, we surely would not have come this far. I do believe the staffers at the Capitol are now looking forward to what his next daily visit will bring...
Sb 1970 and HB 1800 are both basically the same bill. They are in a deferred statis at the moment. With your help via signing testimony in support of HB 1800 Smoking Ban Exemption and returning to us, we can have this bill heard this session. It is never over till the gavel falls on the close of business day at the State Capitol. We need to show our legislators the vast public support that is out there demanding Common Sense, Business-wise legislation.
HB 1825 and HB 527 HD1 was successfully defeated!!! This type of discriminatory law making must be stopped and we gave them hell for even suggesting this type of legislation. We all dodged a bullet on that one. Can you imagine the incredible harm that would have been done to our Tourist Industry had that bill been passed into law? Guaranteed political ousting in 2008 for any legislator foolish enough to try and go there again!!!